
for Everybody

Award-winning Universal Design and Accessibility experts. Led by disabled people.

Direct Access has led the accessibility and inclusion field since our inception in 2004. We are a DOBEâ„¢ certified Disability Owned and Operated Business Enterprise providing accessibility consultancy based on our real lived experience of disability.

With consultants across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland – we enable organisations to create inclusive environments that meet and exceed accessibility standards and building regulations across the UK and mainland Europe. 

We work with clients, architects and design teams working on everything from small community venues, to UNESCO heritage sites, to world famous museums.

Two men (Steven Mifsud and Steve Dering) look at blueprint on a building site in the desert at Expo 2020 Dubai.


Following best practice and meeting your obligations under the Equality Act.

A selection of Direct Access' accessible media products laid out on a glass table next to each other. The products include a Giant Print guide, an Easy Read interpretation of a public information document, and a Braille translation of a coffee shop menu.


Our recording studios and tactile production facilities produce a wide variety of accessible information – empowering people.

A photograph of the Direct Access Evacuation Chair.


Key accessible products that make a real and substantial difference to the lives of people with disabilities

A Selection of

Our Work




How to make your theatre inclusive and disability-friendly

The live event market is currently booming, making a huge resurgence within the wider entertainment industry. With the pandemic becoming something of a distant memory, the general public is becoming much more comfortable in crowded spaces again, with live performances and concerts generating billions of pounds a year. The joy of


Steven Mifsud MBE interviewed at MENA Construction Summit

Answering questions on-stage, Steven spoke at the MENA Construction Summit this week on multiple topics effecting the future of the construction industry, ranging from Saudisation, to diversifying the workforce, to improving the local school curriculum. Accessibility and inclusion play key roles in how attraction providers can contribute to the sustainable

Two female children smile as a rollercoaster sends them flying down the track. One of them is posing for the camera holding her hands up high.

Developing Accessible and Inclusive Theme Parks

From improving the emotional well-being of disabled people to generating more wholly positive perceptions of accessibility in the public consciousness, creating accessible and sustainable leisure facilities not only creates positive social awareness of disability issues (particularly among non-disabled children) but also allows disabled people from all walks of life the

A photograph of Cheshire Oaks retail outlet on a sunny afternoon. A few cloud dot the otherwise blue sky as shoppers walk along the promenade. To the right of the image are Dune and Clogau stores.

Designing inclusive retail and shopping spaces for accessibility

It is no secret that the rise of E-commerce, quickly accelerated by changes in people’s spending habits and the realities of our world economy, has resulted in physical retail spaces suffering losses in both consumer and business interest. However, while shopping for our favourite brands has never been easier for

A banner with text reading "Accessible Interpretation of Wildlife" alongside two photographs. One shows a bald eagle stood on a wooden pole, the other a duplicate of the eagle as a tactile, white statue.

Tactile Objects and Models are the Future of Accessibility

Most disabled people from lived experience understand what segregation and exclusion feels like. But ask the average disabled person what accessibility means to them, you are pretty much guaranteed to get a different answer every time. To a wheelchair user, it might mean facilities offering automatic doors, wheelchair ramps, and


Get In Touch

How can we help you today?

A member of our award-winning accessibility team will be in contact. If you would like to communicate in a specific way, please let us know.


United Kingdom

Pepper House,
Market Street,
CW5 5DQ.
Old Town Hall,
30 Tweedy Rd,
BR1 3FE.                   


77 Camden Street Lower,
D02 XE80.

Phone & Email



United Kingdom: +44 1270 626222
Ireland: +353 (0)15079081

The Direct Access logo.

United Kingdom

Pepper House,
Market Street,
CW5 5DQ.
Old Town Hall,
30 Tweedy Rd,
BR1 3FE.                   


77 Camden Street Lower,
D02 XE80.

Inclusive Guides

Explore our free guides on accessibility and inclusion, crafted by our experts. Click Here.

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