East Riding Museums

A photograph of an exterior pathway at the Sewerby Halls & Gardens on a sunny afternoon, to either side a mixture of white, pink, and purple flowers are scattered from one end to the next, with larger plans and trees further back on each side. At the furthest end of the path, there is a sheltered garden gazebo with two trees adjacent to the left and right.

Direct Access provided accessibility audits to the East Riding Museums Group to ensure that its sites are fully accessible and inclusive to disabled visitors and staff.

The initial site audits included coverage of all six sites, including Sewerby Hall & Gardens, Beverley Guildhall, Beverley Art Gallery, Skidby Mill, Hessle Mill, and Goole Museum respectively. Each of their Museums has its specialist collection, such as maritime treasures at Goole to significant artworks in Beverley. 

Our accompanying reports provided by our disabled consultants identified different ways the museum could make interpretation of the exhibits inclusive, as well as the structure, layout and individual elements of the sites.

The Direct Access team delivered comprehensive reviews of the entrance and exits, on-site amenities such as restrooms and cafes, as well as the stairwells, car parks, on-site egress strategies, reception desks, lavatories, and more.

When Direct Access provides a site accessibility audit for a museum, we typically look at five base categories that normally apply to most sites (General and Physical Access, Communications and Display, Audio-Visual Presentations, Lighting, Guidelines and Legislation) though every museum is different depending on its features, location, and even the culture surrounding the structure itself. For instance, if a museum is hosted within a protected building, this creates limitations for what exactly we are allowed to suggest as access consultants since Grade listed buildings are protected as sites of historic interest. 

This definition applies to three of the East Riding Museum sites; Sewerby Halls & Gardens (an Edwardian house with it’s own on-site zoo), Beverley Guildhall, and Beverley Art Gallery – each of which occupy Grade I listed buildings and grounds. For these sites, we offered advice on generating alternative means of access which took into account the Museums’ Grade listed status.

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