Young lady pressing a button on an Intercom Hearing Loop outside a building.

Hearing Loops and

Induction Systems

A man places a Hearing Loop sticker onto the underside of a desk.

Developed as a result of the real-lived experiences of the senior members of the team (our founder, Steven Mifsud, and Chief Operating Officer, were born deaf) and the cutting edge, industry leading team at Ampetronic, Direct Access Hearing Loops are a reliable and high quality piece of assistive technology, delivering equality of access for users.

Nearly all accessibility audits and access appraisals undertaken by Direct Access identify a requirement for induction loops. In the UK it is a legal requirement under the Equality Act 2010 to provide Auxiliary Aids.

When you order from us, we don’t just send a box, our Deaf engineers (where available) will attend your premises, install and demonstrate how to use the equipment. We will also provide site training explaining the benefits of a such system. If a Deaf engineer is unable to attend due to geographical reasons, we will arrange this virtually. 

Counter Induction Loop

Our simple-to-use induction loops and hearing enhancement systems have been designed in collaboration with industry pioneers Ampetronic to offer deaf users the best possible auxiliary aid for the built environment. 

Click the button below to learn more about the product or download our Counter Loop fact and date sheets.

The face of a Direct Access Under the Counter Compact Loop Driver.

All Direct Access Induction Loops comply with the international standard IEC 60118-4. If a hearing loop system complies with this, it guarantees that the following conditions are met:

  • The background magnetic noise is sufficiently quiet.
  • The magnetic field is strong (loud) enough, but not too strong.
  • The frequency response (tone) of the signal is correct for hearing instruments to handle.

Our range of induction loops and hearing enhancement systems can be used for: guided tours, museums, exhibitions, and education, sport grounds and leisure venues, vehicles, cinemas, meeting and training rooms intercoms, places of worship, churches and cathedrals, classrooms and lecture theatres, rolling stock and trains, train stations, airports, coaches and tour buses.

A white miniature model for the Expo Museum in Dubai made to replicate the shape and texture of the unconventionally shaped building. A smooth, flat base and roof surrounded at the sides by zig-zag shaped walls.

3D Printed

Tactile Models

A man wearing a hidden disability sunflower lanyard holds up a black, rectangular counter induction loop in both hands.

Hearing Loops and

Induction Systems

Tactile Braille

Map Boards

A photograph of the Direct Access Evacuation Chair.



The Direct Access logo.

United Kingdom

Pepper House,
Market Street,
CW5 5DQ.
Old Town Hall,
30 Tweedy Rd,
BR1 3FE.                   


77 Camden Street Lower,
D02 XE80.

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