Throughout history, buildings have generally been constructed to accommodate the needs of people without disabilities while ignoring those who do have them. As low as building standards can and have often been, however, the idea that care homes might not be truly accessible to residents is a worrying one for many care home managers. Especially when we consider how the occupiers of care homes are often disabled, usually and inevitably, because of old age and their bodies and minds becoming progressively weaker over time.
Given that many people will experience some form of disability at some point in their lives, designing care homes with accessibility in mind is crucial, as the consequences of not doing this can be truly devastating, particularly in emergency situations such as fires.
In this article, we are going to go over some tips that our team at Direct Access frequently suggests care home managers implement to ensure the safety and comfort of their residents and staff.
Starting with the basics, evacuation procedures must be tailored to meet the needs of all individuals, which necessitates the need for developing evacuation plans for individual residents. A personal emergency evacuation plan (or PEEP) is an evacuation plan which accounts for the specific need of one person on the premises. Creating PEEPS with qualified fire risk assessors helps ensure everyone’s safety and allows building owners to make their buildings safer by understanding what equipment or accommodations might be needed, including how many fire refuges are required based on the number of disabled people using the building.
Furthermore, all care home staff should be trained annually to use, store, and test any evacuation equipment provided on site at least once a month. This ensures that equipment is ready for use in an emergency and stays in working condition. Staff should also be trained to inspect exit routes for any barriers as part of their daily routines. This includes checking exit doors, passageways, and routes that lead directly to the street to ensure they are clear and safe. Accessibility auditors can help with this process, as well as assess fire lifts, stairs, and other factors critical to creating an accessible escape route.
Procedure aside, many residents in care homes face challenges due to physical barriers built into the site. So, to accommodate all residents, including those with mobility limitations, some basic adjustments include incorporating features like ramps, platform/stair lifts, accessible toilets, and ensuring that communal spaces are easy to navigate, with enough width of space for wheelchair users during evacuation (1800mm wall to wall is generally preferred, with 1200mm at absolute minimum over short distances).
In addition to addressing physical barriers, it is important to remember that emotional challenges can be just as significant as physical ones, so care homes should offer support to residents through services like counselling, support groups, and social workers. Staff should also be trained to identify emotional needs and offer a comforting presence when needed, which will be instrumental in times of stress and emergency. Many factors such as these which might not seem immediately obvious when preparing residents for evacuation can be very helpful during emergency situations, making life in a care home that much safer and more pleasant in general.
On a technical level, auditors like Direct Access typically recommend improving internal navigation with wide doorways, incorporating signage which is clear and meets minimum size and height requirements, handrails on stairs and ramps for the benefit of ambulant disabled
people, and non-slip flooring to facilitate easy movement, preventing the likelihood of residents tripping during evacuation procedures. Design features such as these not only help wheelchair users, but also those with visual impairments.
The provision of an alarm security system with both visual and audible alarm indicators (such as flashing lights or strobes) are crucial for the safety of those who may have visual impairments or difficulty perceiving other cues. Providing these ensures that staff and residents, regardless of their individual needs or abilities, are alerted to potential dangers. Similarly, cord alarms in accessible WCs should not be tied upon and left hanging above the floor, so that residents who trip in an emergency can sufficiently call for assistance. Typically, cord alarms are tied to a manned panel which ensures that staff can respond to falls quickly.
Outside the care home itself, it is important to maintain spacious, safe, and flat paths which do not present the risk of residents being hit by incoming vehicles. As many residents will likely have limited mobility, providing level surfaces will help provide easier, safer passage for older adults using wheelchairs, walkers, or other mobility aids, allowing them to move more freely and reducing the risk of trips, falls, or injuries. Care home managers should liase with their local highway department if they notice any potholes or damaged pathways outside their facility, as they are responsible for the management of these areas.
Another convenient feature in care homes generally as well as in emergency situations are powered and automatic doors. This is because they enable quick, hands-free access for residents and staff, again for those with limited mobility. In a crisis, time is of the essence, and such doors allow for swift and unobstructed movement, ensuring that individuals do not have to struggle with manual doors or wait for assistance. For residents who use wheelchairs, walkers, or have difficulty using their hands, automatic doors eliminate the need to physically push or pull doors open, reducing the risk of delays or accidents. Along with other technologies (such as security intercoms), these can be easily activated by staff or emergency personnel, allowing carers to maintain control of the situation while ensuring the safety of everyone inside in times of panic. A seamless flow of movement is especially critical during evacuations, where efficiency and safety are paramount.
There are various other elements we haven’t even touched on that would extend this article way beyond its word count, such as providing a variety of evacuation chair provision. For wheelchair users specifically, this typically includes providing a motorised stair climber, which is designed to attach to a standard range of wheelchairs. However, it’s crucial to note that not all wheelchairs are compatible with every stair climber model. Therefore, a standard wheelchair that is specifically compatible with the stair climber should be readily available and stored within the building to ensure a smooth and efficient evacuation. This precaution ensures that all residents, regardless of their individual needs, can be safely evacuated, particularly in buildings with multiple floors.
For a more thorough explanation of safety tips and procedures which are directly relevant to your site, we would, of course, urge you get in touch with an accessibility consultant to help identify specific areas that need improvement. Experts in this field, like Direct Access, review factors such as facilities, walking routes, and evacuation plans, to name a few.
So, if you’re unsure about your building’s evacuation plan or need assistance with accessibility, reach out to us, and we will ensure that your building is safe and accessible for everyone. Contact us at for more information.
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