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Access Audits for Schools
Our team of NRAC Certified Access Consultants specialise in accessible education provision from working with schools through to developing education programmes for disabled pupils visiting major exhibitions such as the world exposition Expo 2020 Dubai or museums such as London’s Science Museum or Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museums Wales.
Our NRAC Certified Access Consultants are specialists in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2015. Schools Direct Access has worked with a range in size and complexity from primary to sixth-form colleges, some with Special Educational Need (SEN) departments, others operating as SEN sites. We work closely with faith schools including voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, and faith academies for Jewish, Islamic, Roman Catholic, and Church of England denominations.
We have also covered the whole range of local authority or community schools, foundation schools, free schools, and city technology colleges across the UK. We have also worked with specialist pupil referral units. Direct Access is the longest-standing member of the Incensu National Register of Education Suppliers recommended by our customers since 2013.
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Education Access Audits and Accessibility Plans
Direct Access bases recommendations on best practice guidance, including BS8300: 2018 – Design of an accessible and inclusive built environment – Code of practice, PAS 6463: 2022 Design for the Mind: Neurodiversity and the built environment, and Building Bulletin 102: Designing for disabled children and children with special education needs.
Our education services range from access consultation on the design of new schools and classrooms to auditing of existing premises and project managing adaptations for a new pupil with specific access needs to writing school accessibility plans.
We also work with 16–18-year-old education services aimed at NEET (not in education, employment, or training).

United Kingdom
Pepper House, Market Street, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 5DQ. | Old Town Hall, 30 Tweedy Rd, Bromley, BR1 3FE. |
77 Camden Street Lower, Dublin, D02 XE80. |
Inclusive Guides
Explore our free guides on accessibility and inclusion, crafted by our experts. Click Here.