Direct Access gains DOBE certification

DOBE Disability Owned Business Logo

Boston-based disability accessibility consultancy Direct Access has secured its DOBE® certification from Disability:IN. It recognizes that our management team is all people with disabilities.

The Disability-Owned and Operated Business Enterprise (DOBE®) certification is granted to businesses that are at least 51 percent owned, operated, controlled, and managed by a person with a disability. Our Founder and Director, Steven Mifsud is deaf and uses a Cochlear Implant. He has to provide various evidence of the robustness of the firm and that people with disabilities are in control.

“It is not just our management, most of our delivery team are also people with disabilities,” said Steven Mifsud. “Gaining this certification provides reassurance to our clients that are looking to diversify their supply chain that our management meets the essential criteria.”

The Disability:IN DOBE® certification is specifically recognized in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts where Direct Access is based, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

“We know that people with disabilities often lack disability role models or find it challenging to secure work. We actively encourage people with disabilities to join us as we grow.”

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