Direct Access to audit parks in the City of Allen, Texas

A children's park with various slides and climbing frames in Allen, Texas.

Our partnership with the City of Allen, Texas resulted in a contract to complete the self-evaluation and ADA transition plan for all of the city’s parks.

Working with the City of Allen’s Parks and Recreation Department (PARD), Direct Access conducted ADA field surveys of all the department’s facilities and parks. Overall, we audited over 78 miles of trails and over 40 properties, including a 6,275 fixed-seat multi-purpose indoor arena.

Following formal approval by the City, our team promptly put our team on the ground undertaking facility audits. Over the next couple of months, a city-wide audit program will also be implemented, followed by public meetings for people with disabilities leading to a development plan for the city that puts accessibility at the forefront of design schemes.

Direct Access consultant Courtney Hansen commented on the collaboration “Park maintenance is important as it allows us to protect our increasingly disrupted open space and natural resources, encourage exercise and communication among our communities, and offer free space for children to play, but it all counts for nothing if people lack access to the parks, to begin with.”

The Direct Access team has a deep respect for the City of Allen for putting in the effort to bring people together through the power of parks, nature, and social activities. 

“Allen has spared no expense to ensure that parks, bike trails, and trailheads met the standard sure to improve the health and quality of life of disabled people in the area. We can’t wait to see these parks become a beacon of true inclusion that the City and it’s citizens can be immensely proud of”.

A baseball field in a Texas park on a sunny day.

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