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An evacuation chair in an orange bag is hung up on a grey wall to the side of an accessible platform lift on the upper floor of an office building.
accessibility guidance

How Access Audits inform effective Evacuation Plans for Care Homes

Throughout history, buildings have generally been constructed to accommodate the needs of people without disabilities while ignoring those who do have them. As low as building standards can and have often been, however, the idea that care homes might not be truly accessible to residents is a worrying one for

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A pretty young woman wearing dark glasses and headphones in a sensory room, which is lit up purple.
accessibility guidance

The Crucial Role of Sensory Accessibility in Environmental Design

Sensory accessibility is a crucial facet which we advocate to be embedded into every element of our built environment. It ensures that all individuals, regardless of their condition, can fully participate in their environment, whether that’s at school, college, the workplace, or in leisure settings. Yet within our particular line of

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A Caucasian male wheelchair user in a modern kitchen empties his dishwasher.
accessibility guidance

Building a Better Future: The Importance of Accessible Housing for All

Ever since the pandemic occurred half a decade ago, the way we use our homes has shifted significantly. That is to say, in addition to being our nest, the global shift in attitude towards working from home has transformed our personal sanctuaries into workplaces. For disabled people across the country, this

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An office desk has two cardboard cubes (the top is red, the bottom is green) stacked on top of each other. These are to represent the question of what makes something accessible. The red one has an image of a question mark on it, while the green one features the international symbol of access.
accessibility guidance

Unlocking Inclusive Design: Mastering the Key Principles of Accessibility

Offering accessibility as a service has been a cornerstone of our work for nearly two decades. Our philosophy is straightforward: we help organizations—whether public or private—move away from exclusive design practices and become more inclusive for people with disabilities. But the real challenge lies in recognizing that accessibility is not

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A young couple, male and female, sit on a blanket on a beach with a picnic. The woman (East Asian) is lying on her back and smiling up at her partner (Caucasian). A wheelchair is located to his left.
accessibility guidance

How accessible tourism invigorates community engagement and boosts business

Irrespective of the financial and social benefits the travel and tourism industry can provide to businesses who facilitate these experiences, the ability to travel and enjoy products, services, and environments is a fundamental right for every person with a disability. As such, it is the responsibility of these same businesses

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A black electric vehicle as seen from behind with its fuel cap open. The vehicle is plugged into an Electric Vehicle charging point in a parking lot. Behind the car are palm trees.
accessibility guidance

How to facilitate inclusive Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are considered a sustainable alternative to traditional vehicles. This is due to the lower emissions they produce and the opportunity to reduce society’s dependence on fossil fuels their introduction to our roads presents. However, it is equally important that EVs are accessible and inclusive as their usage

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A photograph of a luxury apartment poolside area in a city featuring outdoor deck chair seating.
accessibility guidance

The Accidental Accessibility of Luxury Residential Developments

In the luxury residential sector, developers often focus on creating spaces that exude elegance and exclusivity. However, many of the high-end features marketed to appeal to the desire for convenience—such as seamless flooring transitions, wide corridors, and automated systems—are, in fact, cornerstones of accessible design. While accessibility isn’t always the

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A photo of a young smiling woman in a wheelchair being passed bags of clothing purchases from a shopkeeper in a retail store.
accessibility guidance

Why Accessibility Needs to Be Part of Your Branding Strategy

Let’s talk about something that often gets overlooked when it comes to branding: accessibility. Sure, we all know it’s important to have an inclusive brand, but how many of us really think about making sure our brand names, product categories, and even the way we organise our stores are accessible

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A young caucasian boy (around 6 or 7) on a plastic motorbike smiles and looks into the distance, presumably at a parent, in a children's playground. Behind him are slides, tube slides and other interactive playground features.
accessibility guidance

The right to play: creating accessible playgrounds for all children

When we consider the thought of what accessibility in the built environment looks like, it would be fair to say that inclusive children’s play areas do not normally come to mind first. Typically, accessibility in the mind of the average person is thought about in contexts of more menial and

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A little boy with down syndrome wearing glasses focuses intently on a mobile phone, scrolling on the screen.
accessibility guidance

How to create accessible and inclusive social media content

On a global scale, social media is the dominant means of communication. Practically everyone everywhere makes use of it, whether to keep up with friends and family, entertain ourselves, read news articles/opinion pieces, or even find jobs. For disabled people (particularly those who face challenges navigating the physical world), social media

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The interior of an empty movie theatre warmly lit by overhead lights. In the forefront of the photograph are empty seats all red in colour.
accessibility guidance

How to make your theater inclusive and disability-friendly

The live event market is currently booming, making a huge resurgence within the wider entertainment industry. With the pandemic becoming something of a distant memory, the general public is becoming much more comfortable in crowded spaces again, with live performances and concerts generating billions of dollars a year. The joy of

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A middle aged Maltese man in a pink polo shirt and light-blue checkered suit jacket sits on a sofa in an auditorium. He is holding a microphone and holding his hand out as he says something to an off-screen interviewer.
accessibility guidance

Steven Mifsud MBE interviewed at MENA Construction Summit

Answering questions on-stage, Steven spoke at the MENA Construction Summit this week on multiple topics effecting the future of the construction industry, ranging from Saudisation, to diversifying the workforce, to improving the local school curriculum. Accessibility and inclusion play key roles in how attraction providers can contribute to the sustainable

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Two female children smile as a rollercoaster sends them flying down the track. One of them is posing for the camera holding her hands up high.
accessibility guidance

Developing Accessible and Inclusive Theme Parks

From improving the emotional well-being of disabled people to generating more wholly positive perceptions of accessibility in the public consciousness, creating accessible and sustainable leisure facilities not only creates positive social awareness of disability issues (particularly among non-disabled children) but also allows disabled people from all walks of life the

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A photograph of Cheshire Oaks retail outlet on a sunny afternoon. A few cloud dot the otherwise blue sky as shoppers walk along the promenade. To the right of the image are Dune and Clogau stores.
accessibility guidance

Designing inclusive retail and shopping spaces for accessibility

It is no secret that the rise of E-commerce, quickly accelerated by changes in people’s spending habits and the realities of our world economy, has resulted in physical retail spaces suffering losses in both consumer and business interest. However, while shopping for our favourite brands has never been easier for

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A photograph of a Tactile Model of an Eagle with a photograph of a bald eagle put next to it for comparison. Text to the left of the model reads "Accessible Interpretation of Wildlife".
accessibility guidance

Tactile Objects and Models are the Future of Accessibility

Most people with disabilities from personal lived experience understand what segregation and exclusion feels like. But ask the average disabled person what accessibility means to them, you are pretty much guaranteed to get a different answer every time.  To a wheelchair user, it might mean facilities offering automatic doors, wheelchair

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