Disability Inclusion in the Workplace

Many employers want to establish diverse workforces that include persons with disabilities, but don’t know how to do so. As an organization that has a team consisting of 86% people with disabilities, Direct Access believes that exemplary practices in disability employment can offer many benefits. Considering this, we felt compelled to piece together an article together listing some of the key strategies to achieving disability inclusion in the workplace, including everything from our recommended recruitment practices to workplace accessibility. The latter of which is, of course, both our specialty and our passion.

Be ahead of the curve

One of the founding philosophies that we believe has led to the success of Direct Access within our market is our lived experience of disability. Indeed, there are many organizations that offer accessibility audits and products comparable to our own, but what has both set us apart ultimately and informed the quality of our service overall is our inclusive business culture. Making equal opportunity employment a goal from the start has led to our establishment of a team that supports disability recruitment and the advancements of the careers of those with disabilities. Ultimately, the first step is not only recognizing that disabled persons are not all fragile and incapable but also making the effort to prove this to current employees and potential employees. This is achievable, for instance, by surveying whether your work environment is inclusive and meets best practice standards of accessibility. Gathering information on this can be done initially by asking staff and then hiring an organization to carry out an accessibility audit.

Build your bridges

Proactive recruitment of disabled persons is the core of successful workplace inclusion; therefore, you need to know where to find such applicants. Identification of the various schemes, networking groups, and career fairs are some examples of places to find disabled persons ready for work, although there are many others. For Direct Access, we found and hired two employees through a “Kickstart” scheme, funded by the Government with the aim of encouraging young disabled persons to find work. We interviewed these applicants to determine their skill, and what their personal requirements were regarding their disabilities and facilitated these needs accordingly. See if your organization can somehow provide inclusive mentoring or similar disabled internship opportunities.

Adjust to ensure productivity.

All employees need the right tools and work environment to effectively do their jobs. For people with disabilities, these two elements will naturally be more niche, and the workplace and tools used will need adjustments or accommodations to suit them. Examples of accessibility that Direct Access has incorporated into our workspaces include sign language interpreters, flexible work schedules, multi-lingual safety notices in our premises (including BSL), a noise-free work environment where possible, tactile, and sensory maps, and even catering the ability to work from home. The methods all depend on the requirements of the employee in question, but whatever form it takes, you will find that accommodating the individual requirements of disabled staff members will nurture their productivity and creativity, while also boosting the public image of your organization as inclusive and a great place to work.

Communication and Marketing

Attracting potential disabled staff members requires not only clear communication on a one-to-one level but also communication externally about disability inclusion at your organization. One of the ways Direct Access has achieved this is through our marketing strategies and communication of our team’s commitment to disability inclusion, via pipelines such as our social media posts, disability-inclusive marketing, and an honest depiction of our commitments to issues related to accessibility and disabled persons. For example, we have since our inception included disability-related imagery in our marketing materials, formed and maintained relationships with disability-related organizations, and offered our support to local communities. Since 2019 we have been the sponsor of the vision-impaired football team in our hometown of Nantwich.

Even if your organization is not focused on issues related to people with disabilities like Direct Access, these recommendations are still applicable, and you are much more likely to guarantee interest from potential disabled employees by considering them. Furthermore, though many still like to think people with disabilities have few employment options in the current climate, the organizations and businesses who lead the curve will have the first choice of an underestimated and equally capable workforce who will ultimately have little interest in working for those who avoid considering their needs and issues.


As technology continues to develop, so does the concept of accessibility. Having a wheelchair-accessible ramp or a hearing loop on-site might still be useful, but the ways in which people work are also changing, and it is up to businesses to adapt. Consider, for instance, doing job interviews remotely so that disabled persons can apply and be interviewed more easily. If the nature of the work they would be carrying out is digital, consider using accessible online recruiting platforms, adopting a formalized ICT policy, and establishing clear policies related to digital accessibility. Offer sign language videos explaining company procedures if needed.

Hire and keep the best on the team

Building a disability-inclusive organization means not only attracting and recruiting qualified individuals with disabilities but also ensuring your company can support their advancement. This is achievable by including disability awareness training for non-disabled staff members and having effective policies in place for the career development of disabled staff members.

Opportunities for advancement often come alongside businesses creating internal diversity goals and identification of disability in their employees. Perhaps an employee has a specific skill that they could take further, and in this scenario, the business can determine what added responsibilities might best suit them. Finally, if your business can effectively secure employees with disabilities, working out further paths to success within your organization will be the natural next step in nurturing disability inclusion in your workplace that staff, other businesses, and crucially, your customers, will admire. Because equality and accessibility are not only the right thing to do but also great additions to your brand.

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